Well done, good and faithful servant.

Mother Angelica, by her courage in starting EWTN from a shed, has, almost single-handed at first, done more to bring authentic Catholicism into people's homes than anyone l can think of. May God rest her good soul. She has effected so many people. She has certainly had an effect on me and EWTN has provided a valuable source of information and a way of being connected to the Catholic world at large. She was a fierce defender of the Church and had the courage that so many lack today: courage to stand up and tell it like it is, to shame the hypocrites and the relativists who are strangling our Church and killing the faith. This is her legendary rant against the liberal Church in America: Mother Angelica, 1993 (abridged transcript): ~ You know, as Catholics we've been terribly quiet all these years… I'm tired of enneagrams. I'm tired of your witchcraft. I'm tired. I'm tired of being pushed in corners. I'm tired of your inclusive languag...