Scottish Shopping Centre Reverses Crib Ban

Some great news! Further to Thistles Shopping Centre in Stirling banning a Christmas Nativity Scene so as not be seen as "promoting" a particular religion (as I reported here ) the Centre released a statement today saying that they had changed their minds and would allow a representative from the Legion of Mary to set up a nativity scene as part of their Christmas decor. “We’ve listened carefully to everyone who contacted us about the installation and have decided to reverse our original decision," it said. "We have offered Mrs Patterson the opportunity to host a nativity scene at the centre this Sunday in line with her original request and we are delighted that she has accepted,” it continued. Thistles Centre’s decision not to permit the display on the grounds that it “prides itself on being religiously and politically neutral” made national headlines and was covered on LifeSiteNews. On Monday, Scottish Catholics John Mallon and Elena Feick turned up ...