Cardinal Dolan: Why are Cuomo, Democrats alienating Catholics?

Catholics who might have been feeling uplifted after the March for Life were handed a real slap in the face when Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed the Reproductive Health Act into law last Tuesday. Cardinal Dolan has published an Op Ed in today's New York Post following howls of protest from may Catholics who feel the Cardinal should publicly confirm that Cuomo has excommunicated himself from the Catholic Church by this act. Obviously it is a fact that abortion is a mortal sin, it should also be understood that an abortion brings an automatic excommunication upon those who procure it, perform it, or cooperate in it. The purpose of the excommunication is not to reject anyone, but precisely to HELP people understand how evil abortion is, and help them to turn away from it. We would not respect a doctor who did not tell us the seriousness of our disease; nor should we respect a Church that does not tell us the seriousness of our sin. But again, let us bear in mind that God's ...