Pope Francis undermines Catholic Truth

Jesus met with all kinds of sinners. He met with them to call them to repentance. 

We know this, it is what the Church exists for.

I have discussed here, previously, how I can recognise the way in which the pope, perhaps, considers meeting public sinners an imitation of Christ. He could well consider it the very work of mercy and charity to reach out to the marginalised and despised. The key and obvious difference, it seems to me, is that where Christ offered sinners who knew their sinful position the hope of salvation through repentance, the pope seems to never require any renunciation of the often open and blatant attacks proffered by those he meets.

Instead he seems to promote them and their ideas. Quite literally in some cases

Who could forget the numerous scandalous reports from Eugene Scalfari, a nonagenarian Atheist Italian reporter?

there's his friendship with Emma Bonino, Italian abortionist.More moral relativism from the Argentine Pontiff!

On March 21, 2014, Pope Francis visited St. Gregory VII parish in Rome, just outside the Vatican, and held hands with Fr. Luigi Ciotti, above. Ciotti is a notorious homosexual activist and supporter of Communism.

On May 6, 2014, in a private audience at Santa Marta Inn, Pope Bergoglio kissed the hand of Salesian Fr. Michele de Paolis, above,

Paolis, a priest from Foggia, South Italy, is a partisan of Liberation Theology. On his Facebook page, he defines himself: 

"I feel anticlerical, that is, of belonging to no caste, no category; I do not feel part of an official religion. I try to give peace and joy to persons who are in the most dramatic situations of existence: infidels, the unchurched, the divorced, those seeking abortions, homosexuals, the desperate, a variety of marginalized persons. I seek the light of the Gospel in the Church on controversial issues, such as the celibacy of priests, women priests, pedophilia, [sexual transmitted] diseases and euthanasia."

In 2010, Paolis, together with Gabriele Scalfarotto, founded a homosexual group called AFeDO. Later, the priest wrote in an article for a LGBT group in Lecce:

"Those who want to make you 'heterosexuals,' as it is called, force you to act against your nature and make you unhappy psychopaths. We need to keep in mind that God, our Father, wants us, his children, to be happy, by making fruitful the gifts that He has placed in our 'nature.' ... You have the right to look for a partner. ... Live your love with joy. And with our mother Church we must have patience. Her attitude regarding homosexuals will change. In this sense numerous initiatives have already started."

In another essay, Paolis wrote this about homosexuality: 

"We must liberate our thinking from a danger: fundamentalism, that is, to take literally what the Bible says. The new obedience to the Gospel is free, responsible and conscious. Instead of wasting energy in endless religious polemics, it aims towards a new Christian spirituality of joyful acceptance of yourself, being grateful to God, knowing that homosexual love is His gift, which is no less than that of the heterosexual." (This info taken from Giuseppe Nardi)

It is remarkable that Francis wanted to glorify this priest by kissing his hand. After his "Who am I to judge" declaration (which was about homosexual Mgsr Ricca, director of the papal residence, whose case alone highlights the depths of the homosexual infiltration of the Vatican), this is another spectacular endorsement of homosexuality from the Argentine Pontiff.

I could mention others, notably Ricca, Coccopalmerio, Zanchetta, Grassi, Paglia; all seem to clearly display the same predilection for male company.

One should hardly be surprised then by the pope's obvious and open endorsements of the most notorious homosexual cleric in the world. No, not Ted McCarrick, Father James Martin; who was granted yet another private audience with the pope recently.

It continues to astound me that the pope so openly endorses Fr Martin who publicly teaches that Salvation history is a myth, we have it wrong about Scripture and all number of problematic ideas. In fact, he supports and promotes just about anything that supports his ideology. He is the hight priest of gay and trans culture, the bishop of woke, the cardinal of cottaging.

Father James Martin was quick to turn the meeting to serve his goals and aims:

But I can't understand how the pope does not recognise how he is being played here. This meeting further damages the Holy Father's integrity, especially given how a virtual industry has grown up amongst faithful Catholics of illustrating how and where Fr. Martin twists, slips and manipulates vaguely Christian ideas to fit with his first abiding creed: boy sex.

Of course early warnings were heard from Church MilitantLifesite, OnePeterFive, Crisis, First Things, etc etc etc (you could do them all - and as I am adding links I am re-discovering the depth of the scandal the pope is creating with his insistence on endorsing Fr. Martin), but now and for some time, you have had really mainstream, middle of the road, just faithful Catholics trying to practice their faith who are terribly scandalised by the special place given to Fr Jim by the pope.

Matt Fradd for example:


Brian Holdsworth - you can see these are just Catholics trying to make sense of the contradiction of this man being allowed to preach ideas so at odds with Church doctrine!! 


Brian actually did another video on this today: 


Just Google it - I think the sheer number of Catholics blogging and producing content about this shows how the pope is making a huge error constantly meeting with and promoting the work of this man. It is a grave scandal and damages the life and mission of the Church.

This is an issue we need to talk about. Gavin Ashenden and Fr. Dwight Longnecker do an excellent job of teasing out the main points here - I highly recommend you listen to their discussion.


  1. :I can't understand how the pope does not recognise how he is being played here..." This Pope is not being "played"; he is playing the naif in order to enable the destruction of the Church.


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