Farron Fights Back

Finally, at the end, forced to resign as Liberal Party Leader, Farron understands. Last night Former Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron MP gave the Theos annual lecture for 2017 . Theos are a Christian think tank based in the UK. The organisation conducts research, publishes reports, and holds debates, seminars and lectures on the relationship between religion, politics and society in the contemporary world. Dan Hitchens found the most interesting dimension to the rage against Tim Farron when commenting on Jacob Rees Mogg's public profession of faith on the TV recently – to be the depth of subsequent anger at the “bigot” Rees-Mogg and his “utterly abhorrent” opinions. He goes on to suggest that: "Secular liberalism loves to shout about how Christian sexual ethics are wrong; but secular liberals are far less confident when it comes to their own positive beliefs. Whatever can be said about Catholic teaching, there are at least various well-elaborated philosophical...