Synod: A Call to Coversion ( integral ecology)

I'm afraid I'm still catching up from the weekend, and boy - has a lot of stuff happened since Friday! One quick observation I needed to write down was prompted by the 'unanimous call of the synod groups for the conversion of Catholics to "integral ecology".' Synod groups unanimously call for church defense of rights, culture & territory of indigenous people; conversion of all Catholics to "integral ecology" that respects the Earth & the dignity of the people who live on it. — Cindy Wooden (@Cindy_Wooden) October 18, 2019 This extraordinary claim comes as one of the leading synod fathers from the Amazon says he has never baptised a single indigenous person and never will! One has to wonder what exactly he is doing down there! It increasingly appears that the purpose of the synod is to convert Catholics to...whatever it is they do down there, rather than to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with them! Interestingly, this rep...