
Showing posts from November, 2019

On Married Priests

This from The Remnant , is a must read: MARRIED PRIESTS? (In Defense of Ecclesiastical Celibacy) Written by   Roberto de Mattei | Remnant Columnist Rate this item 1 2 3 4 5 (22 votes) The Synod on the Amazon had among its main goals the abolition of ecclesiastical celibacy. The road, indeed the highway, is now paved. Pope Francis will define it in his Post-Synodal Exhortation, which is foreseen to be issued before the end of 2019. In the concluding document of the Synod, the paragraph on married priests is the one that received the greatest number of opposing votes (128  placet  vs. 41  non placet ). The path that is being indicated is not that of so-called  viri probati ,  married men who are ordained priests without leaving their families, but that of permanent deacons, that is, married men who have received the first grade of Holy Orders, which gives them the possibility of being ordained as priests. We read in ...

One Pervert Too Far?

Do you recall Zanchetta  The Pope's best buddy from Argentina who he made a bishop bypassing all canonical procedure in 2013? Well he now has an international arrest warrant on his head for multiple  sexual assaults  on young men. The Vatican claims they were only made aware of these assaults a few months ago, but Associated Press heard back in January from Zanchetta's former Vicar General that the Vatican actually received information in 2015 and 2017 that an Argentine bishop close to Pope Francis had taken naked selfies, exhibited “obscene” behaviour and had been accused of misconduct with seminarians. Our Pope does love a pervert, doesn't he? There's a huge list of perverts he has promoted, just think about Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia  painting his own bare bum in his church mural , or Francesco Coccopalmerio's  cocaine fuelled gay orgies at the Vatican ,  James Martin, Thomas Rosica , Cardinal "nighty-night baby" Tobin , McCarrick , Ricca ...

CAFOD's Seamless Garment

In the wake of the USCCB's re-affirmation of the pre-eminence of the issue of abortion in our society  I have to say I was really sickened to find no mention of this issue in CAFOD's newly released Guide for Catholic Voters . The article begins with this comment from Daniel Hale, Head of Campaigns at CAFOD, who says: “The idea of having to go the polling station on the way back from our Christmas shopping isn’t something that will fill many of us with festive joy. “But an election is one of the most valuable opportunities we have to bring the voices of our poorest sisters and brothers to people in power – making sure that they are not an ‘afterthought’, as Pope Francis has warned. “Brexit is bound to dominate this election, but we need to make sure that the candidates asking for our votes are reminded that politics has to also focus on the other critical issues we face in our common home.” The article continues to state four especially important election issues to r...

Vincent Cardinal Nichols Pressurised Bishops into Abuse Silence to Protect Pope Francis

At the weekend, the Catholic Herald reported that 'LGBT Masses' Return to Britain. The story reports that Masses for the LGBT community have returned to Britain, almost seven years after Archbishop Vincent Nichols ended them in Westminster The article goes on: there has clearly been a shift since 2012, when Archbishop Nichols (who has since been made a cardinal) said that, while it was important to give pastoral care to “people with same-sex attraction”, the Mass was a “universal” event and so it should not be restricted to a particular group. He also implied that Catholic sexual teaching was at odds with the beliefs of some LGBT activists. This is not accurate however, as Cardinal Nichols had no intention of stopping the Masses, he simply moved the venue . You can read my full report on the consistent furthering of the LGBT agenda by the Cardinal from 2015  here . The Herald picked up this story from Lifesite 's report which I commented on and linked to here ....

Pope Francis Intensifies War With US Bishops

As if it could get any more shocking - this morning the fight between the Vatican & the US was ramped up to defcon 9 when the Papal Nuncio made the weird announcement that The Pope wants his magisterium of Evangelium Gaudium , Amoris Laetitia , Laudato si implemented. The trouble is, because of all his double-speak, no one has got any clue what that means! It's true that the vast majority of US bishops have completely ignored Chapter 8 and the Buenos Aires guidelines in their 'implementation' of Amoris laetitia. The same goes for the vast majority of bishops worldwide; maybe some signs that the Pope isn't happy with this situation. — Catholic Sat (@CatholicSat) November 11, 2019 Also, what happened to synodality ???? It's fine for ze Germanz when they want gay priests and married women eucharist ministers - or whatever, but the bishops of the USA MUST TOW THE LINE ACCORDING TO THE Furer! I mean FRANCIS! This will go unrema...

Steve Skojec - Amazon Aftermath

Another really long video, this time from Steve Skojec of 1 Peter Five , looking at the aftermath of the Amazonian Synod with in depth coverage of the bad things and the positive things to come out of this shocking synod. Steve always brings his own humour to these presentations, as well as offering measured, prudent, and incisive commentary. Thank God for people like Steve who are joining the dots together on these things and can offer us a summary that analyses what's been going on and exposes some of the extraordinary nonsense, putting it in some sort of understandable context! Right at the beginning, he addresses the Scalfari stuff, which really is amazing when you stop and think about it. Even a rumour (and this is much more than that) that the pope denies the bodily Resurrection of Christ is such a scandalous thing, why on earth would the pope - for the sake of the faithful - get on camera ASAP & deny it, even use it as an opportunity to teach the truth of the hypo...

Idol Worship - A Red Line!

Has Pope Francis crossed a line with his idol worshipping at the Amazonian Synod? As I pointed out here , I don't recall ever seeing so many clergy condemning something - let alone something the pope has done, it really is extraordinary! In this video Fr. Mitch Pacwa a Jesuit himself, gives a rather sobering explanation of the true nature of the Pachamama idols, and the fate of those who venerate it above Our Blessed Lord. Please check out my website for a wide range of gardening equipment hand and power tools and welding equipment:

A History of The Traditional Movement

This is a very long chat but very informative and interesting if you can find the time. As always, I love the way Michael Matt articulates the power & beauty of Catholicism, both in context of family life and the positive benefits for the wider society. Personally, I find this profoundly evangelistic; it is what calls me to, and affirms my practice of the faith, and I feel it is a narrative which many, many family men would find equally attractive and compelling, yet it is a perspective we hear so rarely. Frankly, I can't hear enough of it! In addition, this discussion also covers a lot of information about the importance of the liturgy and the history of the traditionalist movement. Many of us who were happy to accept Vatican II and the new Mass because it formed one cohesive whole with Church teaching are turning towards a more traditionalist perspective given what has gone on in Rome since the election of Pope Francis. There are lots of references that the work of the c...

Destabilising Synod—Analysis from EWTN

Another outstanding & comprehensive synopsis of the Amazon Synod from Raymond Arroyo, Robert Royal & Fr Gerald Murray at EWTN. The Pope acknowledged the idols were "Pachamama" The posse asks how can we simply declare there was no idolatrous intent as Pope Francis did? How does that make it alright? Where was the theological dimension? This speaks to so much that goes on in Rome under Pope Francis. There was no definitive answer as to what the Pachamama idols were or where they came from or what their relevance or importance was. Instead, we were left to speculate — and there was a great deal of speculation! I think, like the vast majority of Catholics, I wanted this to be something the Pope didn't know about, something his poor management had allowed to happen, not something he wanted to happen. I even wrote about it, giving Francis the benefit of the doubt , desperately hoping he is on the side of Christ: What ensued was carnage really where even the po...

Cardinal Camillo Ruini Former VG of Rome: "It would be wrong to ordain married men"

I'm praying the idolatry synod has crossed a line for our sleepy bishops. There certainly seems to be a few more coming out of the woodwork to stand up to Pope Francis. The latest is Cardinal Camillo Ruini, who served as Vicar General of Rome for 17 years and was a close collaborator of St. John Paul II, has said he hopes Pope Francis will not allow an exception to priestly celibacy in the Amazon region. “In the Amazon, and also in other parts of the world, there is a serious shortage of priests, and Christian communities often remain deprived of the Mass,” Ruini, who was Vicar General of Rome from 1991 to 2008, said in a Nov. 3 interview with Italian daily Corriere della Sera. “It is understandable that there is a push to ordain married deacons as priests,” he continued. “It is in this sense most of the synod was in favor of ordaining married deacons to the priesthood.” “In my opinion, however, this is a wrong choice. And I hope and pray that the pope, in the upcoming...

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UK Bishops Openly Promote LGBT Juggernaut

Lifesite have this really sad article  about the number of Catholic Dioceses with so-called "LGBT Masses". Salford, Clifton, Nottingham, Northampton, Middlesborough & Westminster dioceses are all mentioned along with sacrilegious religious artefacts daubed in the all pervading, garish LGBT rainbow and evidence of the explicit support of the bishops of all these dioceses. Of course, there is the same activity in my own diocese of Brentwood as well, where at least one priest is actively pushing the direct opposite of Church teaching and we have had a "gay Mass" in the Cathedral , although the Lifesite article doesn't mention this. To be honest I am not surprised at the news, especially as the leader of the Catholic Church in England & Wales, Vincent Cardinal Nichols, has so openly advocated for homosexuality over many years . He even openly supported a gay group banned by Cardinal Hume for opposing Catholic teaching. Of course, the justificat...