Gay Pride

A brilliant and valuable article by Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, Archbishop of Philidelphia which provides authentic direction on homosexuality, something which is much needed at the moment.

Archbishop Chaput calls out Fr James Martin SJ for failing to speak with authenticity about this (his favourite issue). Referring to Martin's recent book, Archbishop Chaput explains how the...
...text regrettably lacks is an engagement with the substance of what divides faithful Christians from those who see no sin in active same-sex relationships. The Church is not simply about unity – as valuable as that is – but about unity in God’s love rooted in truth. If the Letter to the Romans is true, then persons in unchaste relationships (whether homosexual or heterosexual) need conversion, not merely affirmation. If the Letter to the Romans is false, then Christian teaching is not only wrong but a wicked lie. Dealing with this frankly is the only way an honest discussion can be had.
Archbishop Chaput explains how:
In an age of sexual confusion and disorder, calls to chastity are not just unwelcome. They’re despised. But that doesn’t diminish the truth of the words Paul wrote, or their urgency for our own time.
He also articulates this pertinent truth, which really makes sense in the context of a society which seems desperate to justify its' own depravity no matter what:
Much of human history – far too much – is a record of our species’ capacity for self-harm. The Word of God is an expression of his mercy. It helps us to become the people of integrity God created us to be. As Paul reminds us, we’re “called to be saints.” Sometimes Scripture’s lessons toward that end can be hard. But God cannot lie. His Word always speaks the truth. And the truth, as Jesus tells us in the Gospel, makes us free. This is why Christians must never be ashamed of God’s Word – even when it’s inconvenient.
I found myself deeply distressed by Catholics posting pro-Pride messages on social media this weekend as the disgraceful spectacle paraded through London. Carrie Gress remarks on this in her article in the NCR:
The popular consensus—even among many in the Church today—seems to be that the best thing to do is to accept them, let them live out their passions, and celebrate their diversity. Their lives are just like those of heterosexuals, or so the argument goes. What this position requires, however, it to overlook so many symptoms—depression, substance abuse, porn addiction, suicide, cancer—as well as the underlying cause.
Gress asks the right questions in her article, a question which she suggests is sadly overlooked in the usual discussion of the SSA issue. This is the question with which we are all faced: will we allow ourselves to loved by God, who promises to help us carry every cross and every burden? Will we let our restless souls find love, acceptance, tenderness, and strength in our Creator? Are we willing to submit to his law, trusting that that is truly where our happiness resides?

The whole lesson of faith is that what we "want" or think we want, is often destructive in our lives. We are all working to have the courage to come to the realisation that we need to put Christ Jesus at the centre of our lives. As author Daniel Mattson puts it in his new book Why I Don’t Call Myself Gay: How I Reclaimed My Sexual Reality and Found Peace

“We don’t really understand what will make us happy, being loved by God and being able to love him in return is where true joy resides.” He continues, “All of the sex, all of the porn, all of my hopes and dreams of loves and earthly happiness, were a two-dimensional caricature of happiness. Happiness comes when we finally know who we are, why we’re here, and where we are headed.”


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