Culture Wars Against Marriage & Christianity - A Call to Resist.

Gavin Ashenden brings some much needed clarity to the culture wars raging in our society at the moment in this short interview.

Lucidly joining the dots, he shows what is really behind the bizarre anti-family agendas that seem to have gained so much favour in our society so quickly. He also explains with great clarity, why this is such a problematic path for society to travel.

Ashenden was an Honorary Chaplain to the Queen from 2008 until his resignation in 2017. He was ordained in the Church of England, but left it in 2017. That year was consecrated a missionary bishop by the Christian Episcopal Church, a continuing Anglican jurisdiction outside of the Anglican Communion.

In the interview he explains how we begin by entertaining problematic prinicples out of valid compassion, however we must be careful of darker agendas being played out.

Interestingly, we can see direct evidence of this in the wake, this weekend, of  a video posted on the Facebook page of BBC The Social, a project aimed at young adults and managed by BBC Scotland, under the title “This is how homophobia feels in 2018”.

The video is an unambiguous attack on the Catholic faith that falsely associates it with hatred and ignorance. It is an open attack on the Catholic Church and Catholics which seeks to directly stir up hatred for Christians.

At one point it depicts a priest holding a Mini Cheddar in a parody of the Host, and giving it to a woman who makes the sign of the cross. The narrator says Jesus “saved a lot of time when he died for our crimes, that he would’ve wasted teaching small minds that love is no sin”.

He then looks at a street preacher, saying: “See him, he thinks it’s faith.” The video then cuts back to the women who received Communion and continues: “But under all that din, it tastes like cardboard and smells like hate”.

Thankfully, Bishop John Keenan of Paisley is standing up to this - thank God! Bishop John is doing a great job and is increasingly on the radar, engaging with the culture and challenging the secular narrative. It was on his own Facebook page that I first became aware of this video, please do visit, "like" and thank Bishop John! He told the Catholic Herald that the video was “offensive to Catholics in both the words and images used” saying that while there is always room for debate, the video is “not fair comment”. “It is ridiculing and demeaning the faith of ordinary Catholics,” he said, “especially at a time when Catholics are experiencing more and more abuse and prejudice in Scotland.”

“The BBC has to be careful,” he added. “It has to ask itself if it has ceased to be a broadcaster in the public interest, and is just promoting particular interests.”

“You cannot imagine it treating any other religion like this.” it's a fair point isn't it?

The Archdiocese of St Andrew’s and Edinburgh also criticised the video’s suggestion that orthodox Christianity, including Catholicism, encourages public hatred of gay people.

“The Catechism of the Catholic Church, states that: ‘They [homosexual persons] must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided’,” the archdiocese said.

Last month, a report for the Scottish government found that Catholics are the victims of 57 per cent of all religiously aggravated hate crimes reported in the country. Elaine Smith, a Labour member of the Scottish Parliament, noted that this is also an increasing trend.

She called on the SNP government to “go out to the Catholic population and listen to their concerns”. She quoted Archbishop Philip Tartaglia of Glasgow, who said: “Our problem is not so much sectarianism but anti-Catholicism”.

This is where the fight really is. Untold problems will come of our leaders trying to appease this agenda which only seeks to destroy us. As Gavin points out, they are unambiguous in their agenda to destroy social cohesion in pursuit of some fairy-tale Utopian society grounded purely in relativism. The problem is, without agreed objective moral norms, societal cohesion cannot exist and societies will cease to thrive and become anarchic and violent.

Our bishops should follow Gavin Ashenden's lead and speak out in defence of Marriage and Family, the building blocks of society. Only in engaging with this at the most fundamental level do we have any hope of surviving it.


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