Report on Money Laundering in the Catholic Church
Roman Catholic Faithful Investigates Money Laundering in the Catholic Church (PETERSBURG, IL) — An organization of Catholics dedicated to exposing corruption in the Catholic Church has announced details on its latest investigation into what its leader predicts “will likely rock the Church.” In a recent speech at the “Bishops: Enough is Enough!” conference in Baltimore, Maryland on Tuesday of this week, Stephen G. Brady, founder and president of Roman Catholic Faithful (RCF) announced that he has discovered documents which provide strong evidence that the practice of money laundering is deeply embedded in the Catholic Church. Mr. Brady announced that what is now being uncovered by RCF “will likely rock the Church and the culture as much – if not more – than the sex abuse crisis.” Mr. Brady described multiple investigations, one of which involves the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, which is the Catholic Episcopal See for Israel, Jordan, Cyprus, and the Palestine territories. Its author...