Merry Christmas 2021

The beautiful Crib at Our Lady of Lourdes & St Joseph, Leigh on Sea

The Christmas liturgy includes these beautiful verses from the eighteenth chapter of the Book of Wisdom: 

"For while all things were in quiet silence and the night was in the midst of her course, thy almighty word leapt down from heaven from they royal throne..."

The passage, brimming with the mystery of the Incarnation, is wonderfully expressive of the infinite stillness that hovered over Christ's birth. For the greatest things that are accomplished in silence — not in the clamour and display of the superficial eventfulness, but indeed the clarity of inner vision; in the almost imperceptible start of decision, in quiet overcoming and hidden sacrifice. Spiritual conception happens when the heart is quickened by love, and the free will stirs to action. The silent forces are the strong forces. Let us turn to the stillest event of all, stillest because it came from the remoteness beyond the noise of any possible intrusion — from God.

Romano Guardini — The Lord

Merry Christmas everyone, God bless you all. Have a joyful feast of the Incarnation and my best wishes for the New Year.


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