The Dynamics of Conversion

On a much more positive note: what are the intrinsic dynamics of conversion to the Catholic faith?

What would make an Elder in the Jehovah Witnesses, well known for its covetousness of members, harsh treatment of apostates and fundamentalist approach to religion, leave at great personal cost and become a Catholic?

There are some answers in the latest from Catholic Family Channel One of Nine (if there ever was a Catholic project worthy of your support, this is it!).

I thought this was a wonderfully uplifting story of conversion from a parish a few minutes up the road from me

A family of Jehovah's Witnesses (the father an elder) convert to the Catholic faith at not some inconsiderable personal cost. As with the stories of converts from Anglicanism, these stories always recall the above Gospel passage for me. I, who was gifted my Catholic faith can only look in awe at those who convert like this. It is in and of itself a proof that the Catholic faith is the true faith.

What I found particularly interesting about this story is the way the dad keeps his eyes on Christ all the way through the process: Jesus is his guide and his inspiration and leads them to what they seek and what they are looking for is truth. 

Key elements are logic, consistency and teaching like Humanae Vitae which comes up again and again as a factor in conversion, even among Catholics who already consider themselves Catholic but have a deeper conversion. That is interesting in itself. Watch and ask yourself what are the elements that draw this family to faith in Jesus as taught by the Catholic Church?

The Charity of a good priest who shows interest, patience and kindness.
Orthodox teaching which provides answers not ambiguity.
Beauty and worship in reverent liturgy.

A heart warming story and a great endorsement for the Norbertines of Chelmsford and their excellent parish! They have vocations, they are known widely for orthodoxy and welcome, they are good humoured, knowledgeable, patient and kind and they love Jesus Christ and believe in the faith held and taught by the Catholic Church.


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