Msgr Grindr is Back!

 Remember the scandal broken by The Pillar in July 2021?

After being caught using the homosexual hook up app Grindr for casual sexual encounters, the Secretary of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops quietly resigned and disappeared.

He suffered no sanction and no investigation.

Now he is back, recently appointed to a parish in the diocese of LaCrosse in Wisconsin:

What of accountability? What of repentance? Should Burrill's new parishioners just expect gay liaisons as a normal part of their priest's life? How will he approach marriage preparation? Would you trust him in the confessional with your son?

The fact that they seem to think this is acceptable is beyond understanding! This is a man who will be responsible for the moral formation of hundreds of people. Has he no shame? Yes we all make mistakes, but to be a priest in such a high position while living a double life raises numerous important questions. 

It seems to say that the bishop is complicit to some degree, especially given this is the bishop who removed Fr James Altman from active ministry for preaching the faith!

I can't help but feel Burrill has been living a lie and I have to wonder what that does to a person? He certainly has a lot of issues that need to be dealt with carefully. How is Bishop Callahan doing that by putting him in the front line and into the spotlight again without addressing any of these issues properly? Given what we know from the John Jay Report about the prevalence of abuse, i.e. that the overwhelming majority of abusers are homosexual men, just how safe is Burrill's new parish?

I think if I were Burrill, I would be looking to find a monastery somewhere where I could devote myself to repentance and thinking about my life. I would be so embarrassed the last thing I would want is to put myself front and centre again!
"The most evident mark of God’s anger and the most terrible castigation He can inflict upon the world are manifested when He permits His people to fall into the hands of clerics who are priests more in name than in deed, priests who practice the cruelty of ravening wolves rather than the charity and affection of devoted shepherds." St. John Eudes


  1. Those poor parishioners. Oh, he did nothing 'illegal'. What about sinful and immoral? Such ones--who are readily appointed these days--can lead no one to heaven nor can they preach the Truth.

  2. Leave the man alone. Hasn't even been humiliated enough? Look to the beam in your own eye, Mark.

    1. If he had disappeared into obscurity, I happily would, but consider the hypocrisy of a man who is putting himself forward in a position of great privilege, as the standard bearer for a faith that officially teaches that homosexual acts are gravely disordered while acting in a completely contradictory fashion? How does that help anyone - including himself?
      Has he been humiliated enough? He doesn't appear to think so as he is the one stepping into the limelight once again so soon after his exposure. And let's be clear, Grindr bills itself as “the largest social network for gay, bisexual, transgender and ‘queer’ people” for the singular purpose of locating and exploiting opportunities for anonymous sexual encounters, often between complete strangers. There is not even the remotest opportunity for relationship, mutuality, love, or companionship in such encounters. This is not a reflection of human sexuality. It is about narcissistic exploitation of oneself and other human beings. It is about sexual compulsion. This is incompatible with being Catholic, with following Christ. For his own well being he needs to understand this!


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