Wet response of English & Welsh Bishops to Roe vs Wade Overturned
Finally, after much prompting, The Catholic Bishops have published something about the overturning of Roe vs Wade 4 days ago.
Celebrities, politicians and the media have been decrying the ruling for days now and the bishops have said nothing.
The reaction serves to demonstrate how woeful and inadequate their approach to this essential, pre-eminent issue of our times, continues to be. They love shouting about non-controversial issues like climate change and illegal immigrants, but always fail when it comes to the things they should be focused on.
The only individual comment I spotted was from Bishop Egan:Fantastic news about the overturning of Roe v. Wade - a real opportunity for the promotion of life in the US. It gives new heart to our campaigns here. pic.twitter.com/82KO4A9EJ6
— Bishop Philip Egan (@BishopEgan) June 25, 2022
The recent decision of the US Supreme Court to overturn the Roe v Wade judgement and so affirm that the constitution does not confer a right to abortion is momentous and of huge significance. It reflects the prayers, dedicated work and commitment of those who seek to protect women who are pregnant and the unborn child. Pope Francis reminds us of how abortion laws have trivialised the gift of human life, “It is troubling to see how simple and convenient it has become for some to deny the existence of a human life as a solution to problems that can and must be solved for both the mother and her unborn child.” (Pope Francis to UN, September 2020)
The judgement not only calls for reflection in the US, but also for significant reflection in our country as we see again the rising numbers of abortions in 2021. The many painful situations which lead to abortion are reflected in these shocking statistics and call for better legal and social protections for women and the unborn child. They call for much more reflection on what is needed for relationships and sex education that is rooted in respect and self-restraint, support for the family and single mothers. We need to reduce the upper time limit for abortions and re-examine the law which permits a child with disability to be aborted up to birth. This is a moment that calls for the building of a culture of life and welcome where all are recognised and treated as a gift. This is the work of the evangelisation of culture.
The Church will strive to offer hope and healing for all those hurt by the tragedy of abortion.I find it shocking that +Sherrington said: 'We need to reduce the upper time limit for abortions.' Not a Catholic position! No moral defence for aborting younger unborn humans; an earlier time limit risks provoking women to make hasty decisions. All abortions are equally wrong.
— Ben Trovato (@CCFather) June 28, 2022
We wish to see fruitful debate on these important topics, avoiding polarised ideologies. The value of human life is too precious for such an approach.
We ask the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe and St. Gianna Beretta Molla and remember the prayer of the Hail Mary, ‘Blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus’.
+John Sherrington
Lead Bishop for Life Issues
Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster
The law offers a last protection for any children who aren’t yet recognised as such by their parents, it offers a last protection for any women who are tempted to think that abortion is somehow a solution to their problems. The law also prevents men from shirking their responsibilities of fatherhood and pushes societies and governments to confront the inadequacies there are in social care for those who are pregnant or struggling with children.
"The many painful situations which lead to abortion..." Why don't you just say "fornication" and enlighten us all?