A Call for LGBTQI+ to Lead the Church

One of the things I have really noticed lately is that, as the hierarchy melts into meaningless apathy, terrified of Francis, the Dictator Pope, lay people are stepping into the void. They are standing up for the faith that they love and they are speaking out, in place of the bishops, against the struggles that we face as Catholic families every day.

People like One of Nine 

Robert Nugent

Brian Holdsworth

Katherine Bennett

Tim Gordon

And, probably my current favourite; Trent Horn.

All these producers are providing an invaluable service by creating and contributing to a vibrant online Catholic community, sharing the beauty of truth and discussing issues that are interesting and appropriate to Catholics. 

Sadly we see our bishops addressing these issues less and less, and crapping on about climate change and illegal immigration more and more.

A MASSIVE issue facing Catholic families is the LGBTQI+ political ideology which is an avalanche of wrong-headed madness being foisted on Catholic families at the moment in an extraordinary way. UK Archbishops and even Cardinals, far from standing against this ideology, are endorsing and promoting it!

The Pope is also at it, promoting and endorsing fellow Jesuit Fr James Martin.

Thank God then, for level headed analysis from people like Trent Horn.

Trent patiently, forensically, dissects Fr James Martin's propaganda and applies the scalpel of Catholic truth to cut away the lies and ambiguities to reveal what is really going on. This video must be watched if you are interested in what's really going on:


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